Shu Qing Tan
ttrpg content creator
writer & designer
I am an experienced ENNIE award-winning adventure writer and narrative designer with a strong foundation in tactical combat encounters and a reputation for poignant storytelling. I also have experience in world-building and mechanics design. You can find my writing samples here.
For work enquiries, email me.
ABN 94 155 060 879
Creative Lead, Lead Developer and Product Management Roles
Title | Role | Period | Responsibilities |
Dreams of the Red Wizards: Kindred Spirits | Lead Designer & Producer, Baldman Games. | Dec 2023 - present | I lead a team of designers to create a series of D&D Adventurers League adventures and multitable epics for monthly premieres at official D&D events and conventions. I collaborate with stakeholders at Baldman Games and Wizards of the Coast to ensure compliance with agreed IP and branding requirements. I undertake community consultation, process improvement, and marketing duties as required. |
Freelance Work and Crowdfunded Projects
Mortar & Pestle (2024, Cubicle 7) - Contributing writer, alchemical reagents
Loot (2024, Gila RPGs) - Adventure writer/designer - Dostu's Favor
Danger at Dinobot Island (Renegade Play Program 2024/Season 4, Renegade Game Studios) - Adventure writer/designer
Cloudbreaker Alliance (2024, Don'tstopthinking Media) - Adventure writer/designer
Drintera Magazine Issue 1 (2024, Shewstone Publishing) - Setting and creature lore writer/designer, layout designer
Apocalypse (2023, Indie Games Cooperative) - Adventure writer/designer
Uncharted Journeys (2022, Cubicle 7) - Setting and encounters writer
Wyrd Street: The Quicksilver War Campaign Guide (2022, Realmwarp Media) - Adventure writer/designer
Incredible Items (2022, Indie Games Cooperative) - Artifact and magic items designer
D&D Adventurers League
PO-BK-04-06 In the Burning Heart (forthcoming, Gamehole Con Publishing) - Adventure writer/designer
BMG-MOON-MD-11 The Curse of Pacts and Passion (2024, Baldman Games) - Adventure writer/designer
PO-BK3-09 The Isle of Death (2024, Gamehole Con Publishing) - Adventure writer/designer
BMG-DRWEP-OD-01 The Enemy of My Enemy (2024, Baldman Games) - Adventure writer/designer
BMG-DRW-OD-02 Something Wicked (2023, Baldman Games) - Adventure writer/designer
PO-BK2-09 Star Crash (2023, Gamehole Con Publishing) - Adventure writer/designer
SJ-DC-DD-04 The Highest Bidder (2023) - Adventure writer/designer
WBW-DC-DMMC-01 The Solitude of Solace (2022) - Adventure writer/designer
WBW-DC-CONMAR-06 Two Hearts Apart (2022) - Adventure writer/designer. Two Hearts Apart won a Silver ENNIE award for Organized Play in 2022.
WBW-DC-SQT-01 Hollyphant Love Medley (2021) - Adventure writer/designer
DMs Guild and Drivethru RPG Collaborations
Planescape Heroes (2023) - Backgrounds, feats, and spells designer
Sidequests: Cities for Pathfinder 2e (2023, Indie Games Cooperative) - Adventure/scenario writer
Uthae'osh: City on the Waterfall (2023, Daylight Publishing) - Setting and character lineage writer/designer
Dragonborn of the Multiverse (2023, Daylight Publishing) - Character lineage designer and lore writer
The Spelljammer's Cookbook (2022, The Word Refinery) - Character subclass designer (wizard and cleric)
Trinkets & Treasures: Spelljammer (2022, Jeff Stevens Games) - Magic items designer
Special Request/Convention Only
Shu Qing Tan
TTRPG Content Creator
For work enquiries, email me.
ABN 94 155 060 879
Shu Qing Tan
TTRPG Content Creator
I provide proofreading, copy editing and developmental editing services.
For work enquiries, email me.
ABN 94 155 060 879
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